A more detailed list of the updates mentioned on the front page. Dates are in month-day-year format.
- Changed "Back to Top" button to say "Top" in order to increase page visibility on mobile (until I implement mobile-specific CSS for it). Affected pages are Bookmarks, Personality, and Avatars
- Split up Bookmarks categories into individual pages.
- Added some Clip Studio Assets to Art Help Bookmarks.
- Fixed broken navbar links on Creations index page.
- Added missing header text to the top banner.
- Updated Godzilla shrine CSS and Art Gallery CSS to link to self-hosted font family.
- Updated semantics for the styling of one image on main page of Spooky shrine.
- Added white background on hover to entries on Figures and Wardrobe shrines.
- Removed "New" GIF from Personality entries.
- Fixed broken links to Creations pages :skull:
- Published Wardrobe shrine.
- Published School Projects.
- Added 3 personality quiz results.
- Published Cool Sites page.
- Added 2 Cool Sites.
- Font files are now self-hosted.
- Replaced cat image on landing page with a link styled to look like a button.
- Added 4 personality quiz results.
- Added 2 Cool Sites.
- Simplified styling on Bookmarks to make it easier to read.
- Made "last updated" text smaller and darker to stand out less.
- Started working on a standalone Cool Sites page.
- Added 2 new quiz results.
- Added alt text to images.
- Replaced unsourced images with Creative Commons images (and hyperlinked the sources).
- Made the sidebar content sticky on Godzilla shrine.
- Fixed a broken div causing the main section to not match the header width.
- Moved Freezeframe buttons to sidebar.
- Center-aligned GIFs in sidebars.
- Added alt text to images.
- Rearranged some images.
- Added headings to main body.
- Added some items to "Favorites" section.
- Added "Thoughts" section with tier list and blog post about Minus One.
- Added "Back to Top" button.
- Added Freezeframe (Play/Stop GIFs) buttons to 03PYUKO main page.
- Slightly tweaked site color palette.
- Changed background color and added a sentence to Strength's description on Figures shrine.
- Prevented the "x" on modal boxes from jumping to the top of the page when clicked.
- Removed opacity of banner images.
- Moved headers, body text, and footer into containers with backgrounds for readability.
- Created a Wardrobes shrine (not yet public).
- Hyperlinked a handful of images to their sources (found via GifCities)
- Renamed Helpful Links to Bookmarks.
- Added Webmastery, Fun, Literature, and Web & Tech sections.
- Added Cooking and Movement sub-sections.
- Updated Credits with source of new Bookmarks GIFs.
- Moved the content box on the landing page slightly lower down the page.
- Added my button to the landing page.
- Changed text and link colors on Changelog. The "Details" links are now purple instead of cyan, and the list text is light grey instead of white.
- Changed To-Do List text color from white to light grey as well.
- Swapped placement of Webrings and To-Do List on Home.
- Various cosmetic changes on Helpful Links.
- Stopped hotlinking the background image on the Figures shrine lol.
- Resized images to be smaller.
- Added rounded borders and drop shadows to containers.
- Added modals for all figures.
- Added Racing Miku 2014 (Thailand ver.)
- Set external links on: to open in new tabs.
- Centered GIFs on Spooky landing page, Splatoon blinkies
- Added "New" pixel GIF to new results.
- Removed dashed bottom border titles.
- Fixed broken About link in navbar.
- Converted navigation sidebars on About, Graphics, and Helpful Links pages into proper sidebars that don't block main content.
- Turned navigation sidebar content sticky so it stays at top of page when you scroll.
- Added headings and "Home" links to side navigation.
- Updated To-Do List on Home.
- Added hyperlinks to most recent Updates on homepage.
- Updated To-Do List.
- Added 2 sites to Cool Sites.
- Removed hyperlinks from active pages in navigation bar of About and Graphics sections to (maybe?) make it easier to see which page you're on.
- Updated external links on Graphics pages and Splatoon shrine to open in new tabs.
- Added a few blinkies, stamps, and buttons to Graphics pages.
- Published the Art Gallery.
- Added Kiophen to Cool Links.
- Fixed broken Credits link in footer of Graphics pages.
- Added Avatars page and linked it in navbar.
- Moved About pages down from top-level.
- Moved About to about/index.
- Renamed "Personality Quiz Results" to "Personality."
- Personality quiz results page is now up to date (added 7 entries)!
- Restyled Personality Quiz Results page to have a grid.
- Made progress on Art Gallery (still not public yet).
- Added 2 items to To-Do List.
- Add Baldur's Gate 3 shrine
- Add Picrew/dress-up games page?
- Fixed typo on 03PYUKO landing page.
- Disabled GIF playback on hover in Freezeframe JS settings.
- Moved Play/Stop GIF buttons to sidebar on Graphics pages.
- Added "This site is still being woven" graphic to Home.
- Added Key's Klubhouse to Cool Sites.
- Added 1 stamp to Stamps and bumper stickers to Other Graphics.
- Updated navbar on Shrines Home.
- Added Personality Quiz Results to Sitemap.
- Added 88x31 pixel site button, created using hekate2's 88x31 Web Button Maker.
- Added Play/Stop GIF buttons and lazy image loading to Splatoon, Spooky, and VOCALOID shrines.
- Added Personality Quiz Results page (under About).
- Added dropdown menu for About pages in navbar.
9/30/23 #2
- Added lazy loading to images that appear outside the initial 1920x1080 viewport on Other Graphics.
- Added alt text to images on Stamps and Other Graphics.
- Restyled Godzilla shrine.
- Moved Ghidorah GifyPet from Home to Godzilla shrine.
- Added fixed sidebar and Play/Stop GIF buttons to Helpful Links.
- Scaled down actual size of images (mostly blinkies).
- Added lazy loading to images that appear outside the initial 1920x1080 viewport on Home, Blinkies, and Stamps.
- Added Accessible Net Directory to Helpful Links.
- Added sidebar navigation to Graphics pages.
- Moved around graphics and styled the 03PYUKO main page.
- Uploaded site buttons for solinus and TEMPLATERR.
- Added some semantic HTML tags (section, article) to Home.
- Moved to-do list into main content.
- Added title (dendrobium phalaenopsis) to header on Home.
Details 2
- Added landing page.
- Changed favicon to a GIF that blinks slower.
- Simplified the site color palette.
- Removed the color palette widget from Graphics and added a different color palette widget to About.
- Moved Play/Stop GIF buttons to sidebars.
- Added 03PYUKO landing page.
- Updated to-do list.
- Implement semantic HTML
- Increase color contrast
- Add dark/light mode
- Add landing page
- Add landing page for 03PYUKO
- Removed milk GIF from header to improve accessibility.
- Added Freezeframe Javascript to improve accessibility (option to pause animated GIFs). Right now, this only runs on Home, all the Graphics pages, and Helpful Links.
- Added catsoupery, fatgrrlz, inkyblinkyarts, and bechnokid to Cool Sites.
- Rearranged Cool Sites to include mutuals at the top.
- Added Miku backpack hanger, Taroutachi, and Nakigitsune.
- Added background image.
- Added background color to containers.
- Lowered opacity of ads images.
- Testing out modals to create pop-up descriptions for each figure.
- Added Kiryu image.
- Added scrolling banner ads.
- Changed font from Roboto to MS PGothic.
- Added Figures shrine.
- Added link to Figures shrine to the Sitemap and navbar.
- Added Loveland Isle and Leirin's Fluorescent Zone to Cool Links.
- Styled the Changelog to have scrollbars.
- Listed Credits and individual 03PYUKO character pages to the Sitemap.
- Fixed a broken image link in the GifyPet.
- Added scroll bar to To-Do List.
- Added dragon pet that follows your cursor on the Dragons shrine.
- Added custom cursor and some graphics to Splatoon shrine.
- Created an Art Gallery page.
7/20/23 V2
- Added top-level pages for Graphics, Shrines, and Characters.
- Added new graphics to Blinkies, Stamps, Other Blinkies, Splatoon, and VOCALOID.
- Moved To-Do List toward bottom of front page to improve mobile appearance.
- Deleted the Coming Soon page and moved its contents into a To-Do List on the front page.
- Added Hope's Lair to the list of Cool Sites.
- Changed the header background.
- Updated the background image so I'm not hotlinking anymore (oops)
- Added milk GIF to header for funsies.
- Added cat GIF to main content on front page.
- Added tiny GIFs to the Links section on the front page (and sourced the GIFs in Credits).
- Updated the Godzilla navbar content to match the main navbar.
- Removed the Sitemap link from the footer on a few pages that I missed.
- Created this Changelog.
- Removed Guestbook and Site Profile from navigation bar and added them to the "Links" section on the front page.
- Removed Sitemap link from the footer and added it to the "Links" section as well.
- Added "Quick Facts" and a little bit more main content to the About page.
- Moved userboxes and buttons from the About page to Other Graphics.
- Added a site color palette to Other Graphics.
These are updates from the front page before I started doing detailed changelog notes!
7/18/23 again: (Mostly) filled out my Favorites section on the Splatoon shrine, small update to page titles
7/18/23: Published Dragon shrine
7/17/23: Updated HTML/CSS/JS for Splatoon shrine, added Splatoon graphics
7/16/23 again: Updated Stamps, moved image locations around, added placeholder/under construction pages for Other Graphics and Splatoon
7/16/23: Added sitemap, VOCALOID shrine, Stamps; updated Spooky, Gull, navbar; small general updates around the site
7/5/23: Added new images to 03PYUKO, Spooky, and About
6/2/23: Added new blinkies & cool sites, currently working on VOCALOID shrine
5/26/23: Added Guestbook and Site Profile to navigation menu
5/24/23: Added buttons to About, small styling changes
5/23/23: Styled Morwenna's page
5/22/23: Added a Cool Site, added buttons to About, added sticker box to Graphy's page, small accessibility and style changes
5/21/23: Styled Graphy's & Gull's pages, added guestbook
5/20/23 (again): Styled 03PYUKO page & GAI's page
5/20/23: Updated Godzilla & Spooky shrines, added 03PYUKO pages
5/18/23: Added Fonts to Helpful Links, embedded Tumblr feed on Godzilla shrine
3/28/23: Added Shrines
3/27/23: Navbar should be responsive, Blinkies updated
3/26/23: Moved Credits link, added Blinkies page, updated Helpful Links
3/25/23: Redesigned HTML/CSS using Sadgrl's layout builder
2/26/23: Replaced Christmas decorations on Helpful Links
1/9/23: Took down (most of) the Christmas decorations!
12/16/22: Added some more Christmas decorations, updated About and Credits, added collapsible button for Update Log, fixed some visibility issues on mobile
12/15/22: Added Christmas decorations; updated About, Helpful Links, and Credits; removed link to Labs (but still accessible)
12/14/22: Styled CSS to be more Christmassy, updated Helpful Links
12/13/22: Added Helpful Links page
12/10/22: Added Coming Soon & Credits pages, changed visual appearance of Update Log, updated About page
12/9/22: Added About page (still empty), added Christmas images (hyperlinked to sources), changed color palette to match my Tumblr theme
12/8/22: Edited home page, added link to Labs page
12/7/22: Website launch