Personality Quiz Results
These are some results from various personality tests/quizzes I've taken on the internet (listed in reverse-chronological order of when I took them) :]
OSPP Four Temperaments Test

The melancholic temperament, is often characterized by deep thoughts, introspection, and a propensity for reflection. A person with a melancholic temperament is typically introverted, detail-oriented, and analytical, often displaying an inclination toward philosophical or intellectual pursuits.
Melancholics value order, consistency, and perfection. They are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong and have high personal standards. While this can make them incredibly dedicated, it can also lead to self-criticism or perceived inadequacy when they fall short of their own expectations.
Melancholics tend to form deep, meaningful relationships, cherishing a few close bonds rather than seeking broad social networks. They are typically sensitive and empathetic, often going to great lengths to understand and support those close to them.
Their introspective nature can lead to a predilection for solitude, and they often need time alone to recharge. They are known for their introspective and often creative minds, as their propensity for deep thought can inspire beautiful pieces of art, literature, and other forms of expression.
On the downside, melancholics can struggle with a tendency towards pessimism, and they may be prone to feelings of sadness, worry, or even depression. They can get caught up in overanalyzing situations, which can lead to indecision or inaction. They might also struggle to adapt to new environments, preferring to stick to what they know and are comfortable with.
Despite these challenges, when in balance, melancholics can contribute enormously to society, especially in roles that require thoughtful analysis, attention to detail, or deep empathy. They are the planners, the thinkers, and the caretakers, often bringing a level of depth and introspection that can deeply enrich the lives of those around them.
which ao3 tag are you?
mutual pining
yearning incarnate, you're addicted to listening to sad songs and daydreaming about your crush, and you definitely don't prefer delusional imagined relationships to real ones...
I assign a dunmeshi character to date

You are in dire need of someone to tell you everything is going to be okay. You are exhausted. You have been carrying yourself for so long and your knees are buckling under the weight of it
Song rec: Taste by Sleeping at Last
which little guy are you?

you're badtz-maru! you're a thoughtful and reserved person, and probably a bit stubborn. your honesty is appreciated by your friends and you're very intelligent!
Food Disgust Test

Your food disgust is average (44.75%).
This isn't a personality quiz lmao but I think it's interesting!
find the color of ur aura

you wear a layer of deceiving armor over your sensitive soul. faking it till you make it may get you through this obstacle. be brave, don’t let the world step on you.
Cosmos Persona

- does most of the work in group project
- Super random
- Wants to be taken seriously
- Daydreaming 5 possible futures
- "What do you mean I can't do 100 things all at once?"
What Cake R U?

Roll Cake
You are like a roll cake, with a heart as dense as good cream filling! While being perfectionist and careful, you give everyone around you a sense of security.
which laika's comet character are you?

you're the jolly type! you have a thrill for life that's unmatched by most, but that doesn't mean you're all play and no work either. there's something driving you forward that you want to see achieved, even if you don't know exactly what that is yet. it's a force of nature that puts a smile on the faces of the people around you.
it's natural for people to depend on someone like that for stability - to others, you might seem like a pillar of strength they rely on. it would be difficult to imagine you buckling or fading away. but that's a lot of pressure for one person to be under, isn't it?
maybe its because you don't want anyone else to get hurt, or maybe its because you've always charged head first into things even when they scared you... but you have a bad habit of putting yourself right on the front lines of danger. you might shoulder more work than youre realistically able to handle alone.
don't forget, selflessness and drive are admirable traits, but without the support from others to back you up, you risk burning out completely. don't dull yourself for others, but don't blaze so brightly you miss the opportunity to shine alongside them either. sometimes, it's okay if you can't keep being your jolly self all the time... the people who love you for you will stay with you until you're ready to try again.
What deep sea critter are you?

You're a flapjack octopus - the innovative, creative dreamer!
Just like the flapjack octopus, you have a knack for thinking beyond boundaries and dreaming up imaginative solutions to life's puzzles. Your playful spirit and innovative approach to challenges make you a true visionary. With your ability to turn dreams into reality and your passion for exploring new horizons, you're the ultimate oceanic trailblazer!
which dunmeshi are you

always dreaming of a better world for those you love, your well of empathy seems never to run dry... except on occasion for the people obstructing that precious goal of yours. you've got a lot of water in your chart, haven't you? SONG REC: love, try not to let go - julia jacklin
Which horror subgenre are you?

Monster movies
Fear of the foreign and inhumane. Some might call you childish or flamboyant. You have an affinity for the silly things in life. Things that are odd, queer, and camp. You host great parties.
Which DND class suits your personality?
I didn't realize I already took this back in 2020 lol (and I got College of Swords bard)

You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.

Gods of light promote the ideals of rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, often using the symbol of the sun. You appreciate beautiful things and you might be interested in the arts. You’re a naturally cheerful person and sometimes your enthusiasm might come on a bit strong. You believe that honesty is the best policy and you’re no fan of liars and cheaters. Sometimes you burn with passion, sometimes you shine with confidence, sometimes you radiate joy, and it takes a lot to try to bring you down.
What are your internal character traits?

- worried
- no news is good news
- regretful
- he/she knows me !
- calm down
Personality character test

Lazy soulless
- They avoid conflict situations
- They are lazy about everything
- They don't like contacting
- They become timid when making decisions
- They are optimistic and easy-going
- They get carried away by the mood
what is your duality?

god-hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
Who's your Pokémon partner?

Well, would you look at that! It seems a Chingling wants to be your partner! Chingling, also called the Bell Pokémon, makes a ringing sound every time it hops and can emit a high frequency noise people can't hear. Like most psychic Pokémon, Chingling are drawn to people who are intuitive and perceptive, though they are also known to be exceptionally playful and conflict-avoidant Pokémon. They make the perfect partner for trainers who are sociable and fun-loving, and love induling their sense of curiosity without stepping on anyone's toes. My friend, this marks the beginning of your and Chingling's journey together. Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
Why does the fandom hate you?
pervert with outdated jokes
you were once a required archetype for any ensemble cast so that the male gaze could be given a convenient excuse but in this #metoo era you have nowhere to go. you are cursed to be frankenstein's horny bastard at every corner with your every action interpreted as harassment. some boomers and edgelords might find you funny at least!
what does your blood taste like?

mulled wine
your blood tastes like mulled wine, a drink typically made with red wine and mulling spices. prominent flavors: fruity, sweet, and cinnamon.
What Pokémon Type would you specialise in?

Ground Type
You're quite the down-to-earth type, aren't you? Jokes aside, Ground Type experts are quite the rarity (with there being a grand total of 4 throughout the main series games). You're humble, uncommonly honest, you value integrity and you aren't concerned with the more frivolous things in life. You're patient and slow to anger, but you understand that sometimes your problems need to be faced head on. You aren't fond of spontaneity, preferring to keep yourself rooted in tradition and routine. That doesn't necessarily make you a stick in the mud, though- people may look to you as a source of stability!
Please let me assign you a most probably deranged gay anime bitch with this VERY beefy quiz.

Ryo Asuka
The grandparent of all often light- haired homosexual morally-gray in-love-with-the-protagonist characters in anime; you're most like Ryo Asuka from Devilman! You're a tad insane. Somewhat violently paranoid, you care for one person and one person primarily.
You have a cynical view on humanity as a whole, and might not really grasp human emotion well. You don't generally act on maliciousness, but can come across that way regardless. A little bit of kindness goes a long way for you, and you're intolerant of those who try to suppress others. Do you feel that love brings you sorrow?
what type of zoo enclosure should you be kept in

interactive show
you're a star, baby, you're a star! i know the animals they use for shows have standard enclosures but you ALSO get access to the greenroom, and extra treats for mostly just sitting onstage while some geek in a polo does all the work. they don't choose just anyone for these important educational shows the zoo can use as tax write-offs, you know. not everyone can handle the stress of 40 staring kindergarteners without losing clumps of fur or pulling out all their feathers. you've got star quality and a special relationship with a keeper that will go viral on facebook any day now
which hot monster are you going to hook up with tonight?

you're going on a date with the toughest and most chivalrous one on the block--the dragon. you love strength, courage, and a blunt, grumpy kind of partner--someone who will protect you, but who will also let you kiss their scars. think like geralt, from the witcher. get ready to be respected and get ready to be topped.
what is your fantasy love language?

bandaging wounds
the sun sets on the battlefield, and in the dying light of your makeshift camp, you tenderly wrap a bandage around their latest gaping wound. Flushed, they wince, but smile at you in gratitude as they magic away your slashes and scrapes. It stings a little, but you don't mind.
what is your fantasy gender

shapeshifting trickster
who are you? where are you going? what are you doing now? nobody knows. nobody cares to ask. you can't be tracked. you can't be contained.
What emotion do you create from?

You create from gratitude. There is something for which you are deeply, profoundly grateful, for which the words "thank you" couldn't begin to suffice. It is enough to make you glad to be alive. You make art to express your deep gratitude for having been allowed to know something wonderful enough to redeem all life's pains. Your work is pervaded by a sense of thankfulness, an appreciation for what you've been lucky enough to know. It is a loving expression of the sincerest gratitude there is. Your art is thanks for every good fortune you've received. It is a tribute to a feeling you have vowed never to forget. You count yourself as incredibly lucky, and your work is a testament to that. It is proof this world and this life need not be such terrible things.

You create from discontent. Most of your life has been spent being uncomfortable in your own skin. This body is just another house that's never felt like home. You don't know how to be at ease in this world or this life. Art is a way of running away, of forgetting yourself and escaping to a more comfortable place. To cope with an unhospitable reality, you create more welcoming worlds to consume your work and your waking hours. But the foundation of your art has always been your discontent with the real world and your life within it. Lurking behind the inviting scenery you dream of is the desperate desire to be anywhere but here. It is a world constructed as a respite from this one. Such vivid fantasies are the dream of one who considers reality a prison.
if you were a deity, what would you be the god of?
The Robin and the Thorn
You would do anything to feel, as emotion is the hill you die on. Romance, love, song, art, film, running around for the hell of it - the things that bring a flush to your cheeks and make you breathless and bright-eyed are what you live for. You're a true Romantic, in the Keatsian sense, and you hold fast to the notion that the connections you make with the people in your life is all you truly have. You probably identify with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, and you long to have your reckless, head-over-heels affections returned; to be loved the way you love. When you find a film or a song that makes you feel something you play it until you get sick of it, and you would work yourself to burnout to make something beautiful.
As a deity, you're the god of platonic and non-platonic love, of romance, of art in all its forms, of joy and of youth.
Last updated: 6/26/24