
Hi, I'm Dendrobium (I also go by Dell or Angie)! This website is for me to just collect various things I like and mess around with coding.
I studied graphic design in college and took classes on HTML/CSS and UI/UX. So technically... I should know what I'm doing. 😎 (But does that mean I do know? Nope!)
I use Firefox and a 1920x1080 monitor, so my site may look different on other browsers and resolutions! (I'll get around to properly testing it out on Chrome and mobile...)
Hope you enjoy your stay here :]
What does dendrophalaen mean?
It's short for "dendrobium phalaenopsis" (which is a type of orchid), but I stole it from the title of a song by papiyon featuring Hatsune Miku.
Site Color Palette
last updated: 10/12/23